
Vampire of the masquerade character sheet
Vampire of the masquerade character sheet

It is right in the core name of the original system, the Storyteller System. V:TM has always been a storytelling system first and foremost. That is not to say there aren’t some considerations however, both good and bad. And adding Vampire alongside Call of Cthulhu, both of the truly classic horror games can now be played virtually. So of the truly big RPG systems out there, 4 of them now live within Fantasy Grounds. With very few modifications, pretty much all older material can be run using the new system. And while there are purist who would still choose the second edition of the game over the new dice mechanics of the 5 th edition, the differences aren’t as dramatic as some of the other past iterations of World of Darkness titles have been. Even it’s detractors agree with that sentiment. It is one of the most well put together RPG books to ever be released. The print version of this edition is gorgeous. Here we are, two years later by the time of this writing, and this newest version of the original Vampire game has finally made its way to Fantasy Grounds. Hadn’t been truly relaunched until early 2018. At one point a 20 th anniversary was also released, but the core system and setting, with all the trappings that it added to the entire genre of vampires… the embrace, kindred, Camarilla, clans, the fight for humanity…. The original line lasted from 1991 up until 2004, when various new settings and rules changes were implemented. Some people lauded it, while others reviled it. So with the release of a 5 th edition of the rules, a lot of attention was payed to the launch. It was also key to the launch of Live Action Roleplaying (LARPing) in general. It’s influence went beyond the tabletop game, expanding into card games, computer games and even a short lived TV series. Since the inception of tabletop roleplaying, Vampire: The Masquerade, the World of Darkness and the underlying Storyteller System is easily one of the top 5 in sales of all time.

vampire of the masquerade character sheet vampire of the masquerade character sheet

The zeitgeist of the early nineties, industrial and punk music and fashion, dark comics and anti-heroes, the game hit a nerve and sold like wildfire. Vampire: The Masquerade was first released in 1991 by White Wolf Publishing, which was the springboard to a very long run releasing quite a few titles all set in their collective World Of Darkness.

Vampire of the masquerade character sheet